10 Day Challenge: Must Have Snacks Make it Through the Day

No 10 day challenge is exempt from some basic rules of sustainable weight control. A normal weight reduction dynamic is around 1-2 pounds a week, meaning 500-1000 calorie limit per day (usually 5). A rapid, drastic weight loss is generally seen as unhealthy, so extreme calorie reduction is definitely not an option for sustained, long-term weight management. However, when a dieter consumes large amounts of calories in a short amount of time, this can lead to potentially dangerous results. In this article, we'll take a look at some basic food calorie intake recommendations and some of the possible negative consequences of excessive consumption.

Let's start with the good, fresh, unprocessed stuff: vegetables, fruit, whole grains, low fat dairy products, seeds, nuts and seeds, meat and fish. These are all food groups that are generally considered to be "real" foods, meaning they contain the nutrients and vitamins your body needs, and no chemicals or unnatural processes have been used in their production. It's important to eat these kinds of foods for a variety of reasons, including:

o Healthy carbs - If you're on a solid, long-term weight control program, you're going to need a lot of healthy carbs, and the first ten days are the most important to try and consume as much as possible per day. This includes rice, potatoes, bread, pasta and cereal. Remember though, these "clean carbs" take longer to break down than "complex carbs," and therefore should also consume a bit more per meal. This is important!

So, J.Lo - If it's possible, why not use the power of Instagram to share photos of J.Lo and/or one of her other famous co-stars? It's a simple way of marketing your business and getting people excited about your brand. This is another format that you can adapt if you're not already doing it, and if Instagram is a platform that you've already established a presence on, it's worth exploring. Just make sure you don't upload any photos of J.Lo herself (that would be totally tacky). And remember to use hashtags to reference the photos you're sharing; this will help Instagram followers identify your page if they aren't following you on another platform.

o Instagram Mini Video - This is another format that's growing in popularity. You can add videos to Instagram, but they'll usually disappear after 24 hours. For the sake of professionalism, consider using a video production company to create an intro and finale for your J.Lo Instagram account. They can also help you schedule when your videos will be posted.

o Mini Romero(TM) - The mini Romero is simply a condensed version of the full-fledged jekyllic Romero. It's just like the real thing, but with fewer calories and fewer carbohydrates. It's perfect for those who need a little bit of a pick-me-up but don't want the full-on carbohydrates that traditional jekyllic Romero offers. You can also replace the carbs with more healthful alternatives, like nuts and avocados. Again, be sure to schedule your videos as well. If you're not sure what to replace the carbs with, look for foods like almonds or seeds.

o 10-day mental challenge - A 10-day mental challenge might sound silly, but don't underestimate the power of this format. J.Lo has been doing the "girl next door" look for years now, so you can probably count on getting her to indulge in a little bit of the same lifestyle. Why not join in on the fun and try out a "10-day mental challenge?" Each day should contain at least one "mental challenge," such as: Can I stop worrying so much about the bald spot? How can I turn my unresourceful thoughts into productive ones?

o Sugar Free Challenge - Eating an all-carbohydrate, sugar-free diet will actually keep you from craving sweets, since your brain will associate the absence of glucose or fructose as a desirable event. This type of challenge will most likely require some research, so have your research handy! If you want to go really low carb, try cutting out simple carbs like fruit and simple sugars like table sugar and using stevia as a replacement for regular sugar (look for high quality stevia supplements for a good product).
