Does "J Lo's" 10 Day Carbohydrate Challenge Relay the Right Messages?

10 day challenge is exempt from many basic rules of healthy rapid weight loss. A healthy rapid weight loss dynamic consists of several weekly cycles that alternate between strict dieting and up to date eating. Generally, rapid weight loss is considered unhealthy, so strict calorie reduction is never an option for consistent, steady weight reduction. The challenge will alternate strict dieting with up to date eating, in a recurring pattern, usually every second or third day.

In the first two cycles of the 10 day challenge diet plan, the first day will consist of eating only fats and protein, with 500 calories allowed. On this day, you may eat as much as you desire. Then on the second day, your calorie intake is decreased by up to 20%. The goal is to slowly decrease your daily calorie intake by one gram per pound of body weight per day. This caloric intake is the equivalent of consuming only one potato in a meal, or a cup of ice cream, without any carbohydrates.

At the end of the ten days, your caloric intake is reduced by another one gram per pound, to keep your constant calorie intake the equivalent of one cup of ice cream or one potato per meal. For the last two cycles of the program, you will alternate your caloric intake between protein, fat and carbs. The objective is to maintain constant carbohydrate intake through the entire cycle. You can cheat with sweets every so often, but be sure to only do this when your sweet cravings are reasonable and not desperate.

The challenge, started by the actor, J.Lo, also includes a workout section, where she encourages her followers to post Instagram pictures during the program. It is unclear if she will be posting the same Instagram photos on her personal Instagram as well, or vice versa. One thing is for certain, if she were to do this, she would certainly have some followers that are a lot more into fitness and diet than Instagram users who only use the site for socializing. One thing to keep in mind about Instagram is that it does not allow for mass posts, unlike other social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. This may mean that if you want to follow along with J.Lo's 10 day challenge and really get the most out of it, you will probably need to find another format for posting your pictures.

This could be as simple as setting aside one hour each day, in some form, for posting Instagram pictures on your account. If you are not familiar with how to use Instagram, I would recommend reading the directions before attempting to do this yourself. While the ten-day challenge is easy to accomplish, you definitely want to push yourself to the limit. By creating another format for posting pictures on Instagram, you will keep yourself motivated and keep posting pictures on a daily basis. This will help you stay on track with the program.

Another reason that J.Lo may want to stay away from her 10 days of eating sugar was because she is scheduled to appear on television shows during the month of December. Sugar can definitely have an effect on your blood sugar levels, as can any food that is high in calories. Therefore, it would be wise to eliminate any type of sugar from your diet for the entire month of December. J.Lo. Also, if you are eating the right foods and avoiding sugary foods, you should see minimal impact on your blood sugar levels.

There is also the fact that Romero is a type of carbs that is harder for your body to digest. Therefore, when you consume Romero, it will take longer for your insulin levels to return to normal. This means that your blood sugar level will stay high for a longer period of time. This alone makes Romero a very difficult carb for someone who is on the 10 days of the challenge.

If you are going to follow the challenge, then there are certain foods and drinks you are not allowed to consume during the month of December. The most important thing that J.Lo., as well as anyone who participate in the challenge, should remember is to eat lots of vegetables and fruits. It is one of the best ways to get the most out of the challenge. As long as you avoid sugars and other carbs, you will reap the benefits.
